

Due Diligence

Independent Reviews

Data Interpretation & Integration


Investment Due Diligence

Mandated by a sophisticated investor in a public company to review and advise on the results of an exploration campaign



Integrated Study

Detailed quantitative interpretation of flow & injection tests at two wells, conducted jointly with geoscience, for geomodel & reservoir model calibration as part of a CO2 injection pilot project

Water — Carbonate — Non-Matrix 2023


Regional Study

Led independent review of dozens of Pre-Salt tests to help guide investment decisions on discovered undeveloped asset bidding, farm-in opportunities & strategic alliances 

Oil — Carbonate — Pre-Salt — Non-Matrix — Acid Stimulation 2018-22


Field-Wide Integrated Study

Led joint lithofacies modeling of Kalamkas field's 6 wells & independent re-interpretation of 4 DST's focused on topic of compartmentalization

Oil Sandstone PLT 2018


Resource Certification

Led interpretation & integration of pivotal Antelope interference tests for resource size advocacy to third-party certifiers, worked in compressed 20-week timeline

Gas Carbonate — Non-Matrix — Integration with Geomodel — 2017


Acquisition Due Diligence

In charge of ExxonMobil's in-depth review of InterOil's DST's of the Elk & Antelope prolific carbonate gas fields in PNG, ahead of their acquisition for $2.5B+

Gas Carbonate — Non-Matrix 2016


Field-Wide Integrated Study

Led joint lithofacies modeling of Bosi field's 14 wells & independent re-interpretation of 2 DST's

Oil Sandstone 2013


Regional Study

Reviewed 28 DST's conducted by Humble Oil, Texaco, Union Oil, and Chevron across Southern California between 1967 & 1989 to help guide new opportunity identification 

Oil Sandstone — Vintage Data — 2012


Subsurface Peer Review 

Re-interpreted 25 Hebron DST's conducted by Petro-Canada, Chevron, and Mobil between 1980 & 2000 to help guide internal subsurface peer review

Oil Sandstone — Vintage Data — 2011

Exploration & Appraisal DST

Design & Planning

Wellsite Supervision

Data Interpretation & Integration


Block 2914A Orange Basin

Leading DST design for tests at wildcat prospects offshore Namibia

Oil Sandstone Deepwater Frontier Exploration Integration with Seismic 2024


PL 1016 Velocette

Led DST design & planning for test at wildcat prospect in Norwegian Sea to evaluate productivity & investigate reservoir continuity 

Gas Sandstone Deepwater Integration with Seismic 2023


Onshore Victoria

Led DST & interference design at depleted gas field in preparation for use as gas storage, across a range of subsurface scenarios & operational constraints

Gas Sandstone 2023


Stabroek Block Liza, Payara, Yellowtail... 

Oversaw all 18 Guyana tests from 2016 to 2022, starting with Guyana's first DST ever

Extended flow & build-up tests designed to confirm sufficient connected volume for development viability, resulting in fast-track developments

Oil Gas Sandstone Deepwater Campaign Gravel-Pack Interference Integration with Seismic 2016-23


Block 10 Glaucus

Designed, planned & interpreted Glaucus-2 DST, which included an interference test with Glaucus-1, to confirm sufficient resource size for development viability

Gas Interference Deepwater — Integration with Geomodel 2019-22


PDL 9 Muruk

Advised Melbourne affiliate on design, operations & interpretation of Oil Search-led DST

Gas Sandstone Highlands — Remote Environment — 2018-19


 GoM Walker Ridge Julia

Advised on ramp-up & clean-up operations during flowback to tanker

Oil Sandstone Deepwater — DP to DP Flowback Frac-Pack 2016


Neptun Block Domino

Oversaw & led DST's at Domino & two other fields, with extended flow & build-up periods designed to confirm sufficient resource size for development viability

Managed replies to buyer on test-related topics, as part of divestment for $1B+ 7 years later

Gas Sandstone Deepwater Campaign Integration with Seismic 2014-15


Block 118 Cá Voi Xanh 

Led CVX-4X DST, designed to demonstrate producibility in an unappraised part of the reservoir

Gas Carbonate — Non-Matrix — H2S Deepwater 2014-15


Block 15 Mondo South

Led flowback designed to confirm sufficient connected volume of anchor reservoir underpinning the Kizomba Satellites Phase 2 project

Oil Sandstone Deepwater Flowback Gravel-Pack PLT on Tractor 2013-14


Black Sea & Kara Sea

Led DST planning for prospective tests at Universitetskaya & in Tuapse

Frontier Exploration — Remote Environment — Deepwater — 2012-14


Well Performance

Reservoir Surveillance

Data Interpretation & Integration


Stabroek Block Liza Phase 1 & Phase 2

Mentored 4 engineers through 12 wells on surveillance & well performance issues at Guyana's first-ever producing field

Oil Horizontal Producers Water & Gas Injectors WAG 2019-23


NCOC Kashagan

Advised 4 NCOC engineers on surveillance & well performance issues for 12 wells

Taught 40-hr well test course to NCOC's reservoir team in Atyrau (2017) & virtually (2020) 

Oil Mega-Field Carbonate — Non-MatrixAcid Stimulation Acid Gas Re-Injection 2018-21


Sakhalin-1 Chayvo, Arkutun-Dagi, Odoptu

Mentored 6 engineers through 50+ wells on surveillance, well performance issues, opportunity generation & regulatory reporting

Oil Sandstone Extended-Reach Wells Water & Gas Injectors 2017-22


Block 15 Kizomba A, B & C

Mentored 5 engineers through 40+ wells on surveillance, well performance issues & regulatory reporting

Oil Sandstone S-shaped Wells Water & Gas Injectors WAG — 2016-22

Carbon Capture & Storage





ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions

Leading the field trial of a CO2 injectivity restoration research project for CCS wells

CO2 2024


Simpson Co., MS Leo

Detailed quantitative interpretation of injection tests as part of a CO2 injection pilot project in Mississippi 

Water — Sandstone — Non-Reservoir Responses 2024


Fallon Co., MT Pennel 

Detailed quantitative interpretation of flow & injection tests at two wells, conducted jointly with geoscience, for geomodel & reservoir model calibration as part of a CO2 injection pilot project in the Cedar Creek Anticline

Water — Carbonate — Non-Matrix 2023



ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions

Helped establish ExxonMobil's standard of design studies for water injection fall-off tests in carbon capture projects, both for reservoir understanding & EPA permitting purposes 

Aquifers targeted in LaBarge (WY), Pecan Island (LA) & more along the Gulf Coast, as well as in the UK North Sea

Water — Sandstone & Carbonate 2022-23

Training Course




ExxonMobil Houston Campus

Took over ownership & overhauled internal training course in 2016, turning it from the worst rated to the best rated course of all ExxonMobil's reservoir courses

Combines theory & practical considerations, illustrated throughout with actual field data 

Custom-made hands-on group exercises utilizing Saphir with ExxonMobil data of the Liza-2 & Liza-4 tests



Tailored to the interests & needs of the North Caspian Operating Company (operator of mega-field Kashagan): pressure transient responses in carbonates with excess permeability & in acidized wells, numerical modeling

Custom-made hands-on group exercises utilizing Saphir with NCOC data



Tailored to the interests & needs of QatarEnergy (operator of the North Field, the world's largest non-associated gas field): pressure transient responses in horizontal gas wells, carbonates with excess permeability & in acidized wells, numerical modeling


ExxonMobil Kuala Lumpur Technology Center

Course tailored to reservoir pressure analysis & pressure transient analysis workflows


ExxonMobil Bangalore Technology Center

Course tailored to reservoir pressure analysis & pressure transient analysis workflows


ExxonMobil Houston

Delivered 2-hr introductory lecture on well testing & pressure transient analysis to ExxonMobil's geoscience new hires, 6 times between 2012 & 2015