
Due Diligence

Independent Reviews

Data Interpretation & Integration


Integrated Study

Detailed quantitative interpretation of flow & injection tests at two wells, conducted jointly with geoscience, for geomodel & reservoir model calibration as part of a CO2 injection pilot project

Water — Carbonate — Non-Matrix 2023


Regional Study

Led independent review of dozens of Pre-Salt tests to help guide investment decisions on discovered undeveloped asset bidding, farm-in opportunities & strategic alliances 

Oil — Carbonate — Pre-Salt — Non-Matrix — Acid Stimulation 2018-22


Field-Wide Integrated Study

Led joint lithofacies modeling of Kalamkas field's 6 wells & independent re-interpretation of 4 DST's focused on topic of compartmentalization

Oil Sandstone PLT 2018


Resource Certification

Led interpretation & integration of pivotal Antelope interference tests for resource size advocacy to third-party certifiers, worked in compressed 20-week timeline

Gas Carbonate — Non-Matrix — Integration with Geomodel — 2017


Acquisition Due Diligence

In charge of ExxonMobil's in-depth review of InterOil's DST's of the Elk & Antelope prolific carbonate gas fields in PNG, ahead of their acquisition for $2.5B+

Gas Carbonate — Non-Matrix2016


Field-Wide Integrated Study

Led joint lithofacies modeling of Bosi field's 14 wells & independent re-interpretation of 2 DST's

Oil Sandstone 2013


Regional Study

Reviewed 28 DST's conducted by Humble Oil, Texaco, Union Oil, and Chevron across Southern California between 1967 & 1989 to help guide new opportunity identification 

Oil Sandstone — Vintage Data — 2012


Subsurface Peer Review 

Re-interpreted 25 Hebron DST's conducted by Petro-Canada, Chevron, and Mobil between 1980 & 2000 to help guide internal subsurface peer review

Oil Sandstone — Vintage Data — 2011